2014 | Greece | Fiction


  • French English 24 mins
  • Director | Konstantina Kotzamani
  • Writer | Konstantina Kotzamani
  • Producer | Artemis Pattakou, Giorgos Zois

This film is currently not available.   

The giraffe is the animal with the biggest heart. The distance between its head and its heart is three meters, so the heart is big enough to send the blood all the way up. When the giraffe is lying down, its heartbeat touches the ground-it goes underground. All animals are tuned to the heartbeat of the giraffe. In the heart of the summer, in the midst of the tropical heat, the giraffe's heart is no longer heard, the animals are thrown into confusion. As they search for this beat, it is then that the strangest things happen.

nature giraffe palm Athens anthropology disease beetle anthropocene