1972 | USA | Documentary

Stanley Milgram: The City and the Self

  • English English 52 mins
  • Director | Stanley Milgram
  • Writer | Stanley Milgram

This film is currently not available.   

The City and the Self is a study of human relations in the city, based on psychological concepts formulated by Stanley Milgram. The City and the Self examines city dwellers’ perceptions of their city and their behavior in created situations.

This compelling film, combining both art film and documentary techniques, evolved out of the landmark Science magazine article Milgram wrote in 1970 that established the field of urban psychology. In the film, Milgram introduces the concepts of urban overload and selective attention, and delves into the researchof social psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latane, who studied New York City in the aftermath of theshocking murder of Kitty Genovese.

This film is distributed by Alexander Street, a ProQuest company, and all 6 of his films are available for purchase on their website, or by emailing orders@proquest.com.

human psychological documentary technique Science magazine New York City