2023 | Georgia, Germany | Documentary

Smiling Georgia

  • - - 62 mins
  • Director | Luka Beradze
  • Writer | Luka Beradze
  • Producer | Nino Chichua

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

During its 2012 election campaign titled “Smiling Georgia,” the governing party promised its country’s poorest residents new teeth in exchange for their vote. Dentists began to pull people’s decayed teeth, but after the election defeat, the trusting public never received their new pearly whites… In his bitterly humorous documentary, Luka Beradze takes us to a sleepy Georgian village, introduces us to its inhabitants, and shows that it rarely pays to believe the promises of populist politicians and to vote for purely selfish reasons. In the broader context, the film asks questions regarding the value of ordinary people in the eyes of political leaders.

Black Humor Crisis Health Politics documentary country election campaign poorest residents political leaders vote