2023 | South Africa, Ecuador | Documentary

What the Soil Remembers

  • English, Afrikaans, Xhosa - 29 mins
  • Director | José Cardoso
  • Writer | José Cardoso
  • Producer | Adrian Van Wyk

STATUS: Released

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A vibrant and diverse community flourished in the fertile South Africa lands. Today its elders tell the story of how their people were uprooted from neighboring lands and thrown into deserted areas; the suffering separation left scars but never transformed them into individualstic beings. Despite the forced separation that occurred in the 1960s, today they remain togheter thanks to their wisdom and faith. A University was built on their lands, and today this insitution is riddled with guilt as it was the epicentre of apartheid thought, but to return the land seems i,possible. The elders light up the screen with their way of approcaching the problem; Community wisdom, spirituality, and patience faces what apartheid tried to take away from fifty years before.

Community Grief Trauma Portrait Rural Life