2021 | United States | Documentary

The Mississippi

  • English - 40 mins
  • Director | Keely Kernan
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

This film is currently not available.   

The Mississippi is an interactive documentary that explores the relationship between the river and the lives and livelihoods of those living along its shores. The project takes users on a journey down the river, from the Minnesota headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico, to learn about its ecological transformation, and significance to the lives of its residents.

As an interactive exhibition THE MISSISSIPPI can accommodate a room filled with people, as the project can be viewed as a projected installation and is programmed to self run after being left unattended after 30 seconds. At any point audience members can click on the project's navigation buttons to go on a self guided journey of the river.

THE MISSISSIPPI was built to be fully responsive, meaning it can be scaled to any size large or small and can be exhibited using a computer, a projector and be exhibited on a large screen. The project can also be viewed on mobile technologies (iOS and Android) including smartphones, tablets, and touch- screen devices.

explores shores ecological river journey