2020 | United States | Documentary,Experimental

Sunflower from ÆSTHESIA

  • - - 6 mins
  • Director | Ashley G Garner
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Juan Correa Lopez, Vene Blacksehar

This film is currently not available.   

ÆSTHESIA examines nature through different multi-sensory experiences and has been installed as a multi-channel video, installation, or workshop. For the sense of sight, films are created to focus on different types of plants and uses color therapy to create meditation video loops. The soundtrack is created by recording the electro-data of each plant, so as you watch a film of Sunflowers you are also listening to them.

Sunflowers are used to extract toxin such as lead, arsenic and uranium from contaminated soil. They have been used to pull radioactive contaminants out of the soil such as back in the mid-1990s near the Chernobyl power plant meltdown and currently in cleaning up the Fukushima site in Japan.

nature plants soil toxin sunflowers