2017 | United States | Music Video

Occulting the Sun

  • English 3 mins
  • Director | Weather Warlock, Quintron
  • Writer | -

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Hitting the streets exactly one year following its recording, Third Man is proud to present a full length document of the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse in Nashville, TN as interpreted by Quintron’s Weather Warlock, a handmade weather-sensitive analog synthesizer. The A side, Path of Complete Totality, starts with a steady whirr, then nosedives slower and slower and slower with a pinging, dragging heartbeat to the point of cold quiet. It is both an extraordinary taste of the experience of totality and a striking metaphor for the cycle of life. The B side, Microburst Hail Storm, kicks off with a recording of a microburst hail storm smack dab in the middle of American desert country - Las Vegas, NM. What begins with light, hypnotic drone shifts into percussive tapping as the hail seizes control, then to conclude with ovular sonic raindrops. It is an absolutely fascinating listen and serves as a proper appetizer for the uncanny flip side. Also worth noting is the label art, made to emulate the stark image created by the eerie “totality” of a full solar eclipse. This release is a must for fans of truly cutting edge ambient music as well as anyone who has experienced the peculiarly thrilling experience of a total solar eclipse.

solar eclipse weather microburst hail storm desert