2019 | Bermuda | Experimental

No Garden Beyond

  • English - 11 mins
  • Director | Anna Kipervaser, Rhys Morgan
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

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Scenes from above, below and around the Sargasso Sea, a body of water unbounded by land where ecology and mythology have coexisted since before Juan de Bermúdez’s 1505 expedition. Where spirits whisper through the Island’s flora and fauna, only to be interrupted by the alternating currents of manmade ruin and regeneration.

“The dense fields of weeds waiting to entrap a vessel never existed except in the imaginations of sailors, and the gloomy hulks of vessels doomed to endless drifting in the clinging weed are only the ghosts of things that never were” – Rachel Carson in THE SEA AROUND US

Rhys Morgan + Anna Kipervaser, 2019

water Island vessels ecology mythology