2023 | United Arab Emirates | Animation

My White Lie

  • English 3 mins
  • Director | Ari Almansoori
  • Writer | Ari Almansoori
  • Producer | Ari Almansoori

STATUS: Development

This film is currently not available.   

The protagonist of my film is a postdoctoral researcher on his first day of work. The purpose of the film is to immerse the audience in the experience of the researcher, who has been tasked with performing cervical dislocation and brain dissection protocols on mice. The researcher contends with the ethical implications of his work after receiving his agenda for the day via email. We see him close his eyes and apologize to the mice for what he is about to do in the film. Even though he rationalizes his actions as necessary for the greater good, he recognizes the inherent cruelty of animal sacrifice for research purposes and that he is telling himself a lie. The film highlights the intricate ethical issues surrounding animal research, especially the emotional toll it can take on researchers.


Animal Cruelty research molecular biology