2023 | Germany | Documentary

I Am Riya

  • Hindi - 54 mins
  • Director | Gina Guzy
  • Writer | Melanie Waelde
  • Producer | Gina Guzy

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Do you remember the first time you felt the conditions hiding behind your parents' unconditional love? What do you do when the freedom and choice you believed you had evaporates? What happens when your ancestors' well-trodden path appears before you, and you realise it's not the path you want to take? How many forms of paternal protection are you willing to accept, before you start to question their decisions? Why is wanting a different life considered 'just a dream'? Riya is wrapped up in these questions. This is a story of blossoming confidence and timid rebellion.

Police Traditions Woman Director Women