2016 | USA | Experimental,Short

A Careful Resurrection

  • English 8 mins
  • Director | Jeannette Louie
  • Writer | Jeannette Louie

This film is currently not available.   

Sometimes the everyday is overshadowed by a feeling of disquiet. Tucked into the synaptic forests of our minds are memories that have never been properly encoded. They lurk in the cognitive purgatory of consciousness and oftentimes, appear alongside ordinary recollections. A Careful Resurrection begins with a typical narration but slowly evolves into a disconcerting monologue.

Creation & Direction: Jeannette Louie
Narrator: Tom Daniels
Child: T. Simon
Music: Seth Simon
Sound: Alex Thompson / Harvestworks

Memory Synapse Brain Cognition Memory Dendrite Neuron Forest Neuroscience experimental short film