Marwa Arsanios

artist, filmmaker, researcher

Beirut, LB

politics research industrialization perspective century

Marwa Arsanios is an artist, filmmaker and researcher from Beirut. She reconsiders politics of the mid-twentieth century from a contemporary perspective, with a particular focus on gender relations, urbanism and industrialization. She approaches research collaboratively and seeks to work across disciplines. She has been a fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany (2014) and Tokyo Wonder Site, Tokyo Arts and Space (2010), and is the co-founder of 98weeks Research Project. Arsanios received a Master of Fine Art, University of the Arts London (2007) and was a researcher in the Fine Art Department, Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, The Netherlands (2011–2012). She is currently a phd candidate at the Akademie der bildenden Kunst in Vienna.


Who's Afraid of Ideology? Part 1


Who Is Afraid of Ideology? Part 3 Micro Resistances