Lauren Vetere, PhD

neuroscientist, writer, science communicator

New York, US


Neuroscientist and science communicator based in NYC. Postdoc in the Shuman lab at Mount Sinai, studying how different parts of the brain communicate to make memories and how that communication goes wrong in epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease.

I use in vivo electrophysiology to record activity across multiple brain regions while mice perform tasks in virtual reality. Outside of the lab, I'm involved in science outreach and mental health advocacy. In my free time you can find me writing, baking, and listening to sci-fi/fantasy audiobooks in central park.

Read about my research here

2023 Symbiosis Participant

Please find my film "this creature called Memory" below!



Formal bio:

Lauren is a neuroscientist and science communicator based in NYC. She holds a PhD in Neuroscience from Mount Sinai, where she studied how different parts of the brain communicate to make memories and how that communication goes wrong in epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. Prior to pursuing her PhD, Lauren completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Florida, where she researched how working memory, flexibility, and decision-making change during aging. Outside of the lab, she is involved in mental health advocacy and science outreach. During graduate school, Lauren served as the co-chair of Mount Sinai’s Trainee Health and Wellness (THAW) Committee, where she spearheaded efforts to improve mental health resources for graduate students and postdocs. She also works to make neuroscience accessible through community outreach and blog writing as a council member for BraiNY, a NYC organization that organizes and promotes neuroscience outreach. Lauren is passionate about communicating science in accessible and engaging ways beyond traditional outreach, including film making and live storytelling. 


this creature called Memory


Brain Waves