Kathy Kasic

filmmaker, professor, biologist

Sacramento, US

biologist history climate cinematographer science

Kathy Kasic is a documentary filmmaker and Associate Professor at California State University in Sacramento. Her films bridge the disciplines of art and science, and exploring the space between. Kathy began her career as an evolutionary biologist, recording the vocalizations of nocturnal frogs in the Ecuadorian Amazon and Panama. Then one field season she took an infrared camera, prompting her to follow a path of filmmaking. Since then and for the last 16 years, Kathy has been a director and cinematographer of documentaries and experimental films. Her films seek to unveil the human relationship with the natural world through a phenomenological emphasis on place, using a Sensory Vérité filmmaking approach she coined and described in written publications. Her work has screened at international festivals, museums, galleries and broadcast on television, including BBC, Discovery, PBS and National Geographic. After working independently for 7 years through her company, Metamorph Films, she taught for 6 years at Montana State University in the Science and Natural History Filmmaking graduate program. There she founded MSU’s Center for the Communication of Science, an interdisciplinary initiative dedicated to fusing the arts and sciences. In 2016-2018 she was the Resident Director of Film Arts at Tippet Rise Art Center, a world-renowned 10,000-acre venue for large-scale sculpture and music, where she directed films about the relationship of music and art to the natural world. Over the course of her career, Kathy’s artistic vision and drive for adventure have brought her to film off the bow of a ship, underwater in free-flowing mountain rivers, and recently, to an unexplored subglacial lake 3500 feet beneath the ice in Antarctica. She believes strongly in the idea that art and science are two sides of the same coin. They are not mutually exclusive, and in fact need each other to move forward in our changing world. Most recently, Kathy field directed for BBC's Earth Shot: Repairing Our Planet (feat. David Attenborough and Prince William) and directed The Lake at the Bottom of the World, a sensory vérité feature film about an international team of scientists exploring a subglacial lake 3,600 feet beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.


The Lake at the Bottom of the World


The Living Ice of Greenland


The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice