Carl Olsson


Copenhagen, DK


Carl Olsson was born 1984 in Kalmar, Sweden.

He lives in Copenhagen and works primarily in Sweden and Denmark as a film director.

He is educated at Den Danske Filmskole/ The National Film School of Denmark in Copenhagen (2009-2013). He has further received education at Dramatiska Institutet and Nordens Folkhögskola Biskops Arnö in Stockholm, Sweden.

His graduation film BLESSED BE THIS PLACE (2013) was nominated for the Danish Academy Award, Robert Award 2014, and has won several international awards and been screened at numerous festivals worldwide.

His first feature documentary PATRIMONIUM premiered at Gothenburg Film Festival in 2019, and was awarded for “Artistic Excellence” at the Moscow International Film Festival. His second feature MEANWHILE ON EARTH premiered in 2020 at International Film Festival Rotterdam, and competed for the main documentary awards at Gothenburg, Thessaloniki and Camerimage during 2020. Meanwhile on Earth was nominated for Best Cinematography at the Swedish Film Award Guldbaggen. His latest film VINTERSAGA premiered in Main Competition, DOX:AWARDS at CPH:DOX in 2023 and was nominated for Best Documentary at Guldbaggen the same year.


Meanwhile On Earth