Steven Zides

senior physics instructor

Spartanburg, US

physics astrophysics science calculus pop culture philosophy

Steven Zides teaches general and modern physics, astrophysics, science in context, conceptual physics and occasionally vector calculus. Whenever possible, he likes to teach as part of an interdisciplinary learning community. His research focuses on the intersection between the sciences and the humanities. He explores science, specifically physics, through filters such as art history, pop culture, literature, theater, philosophy, film studies, history and politics. He earned a B.A. degree in physics from Cornell University, and M.S. degrees in physics and mathematics from the University of Tennessee. He enjoys the interdisciplinary projects and discussions he has with colleagues, and he appreciates the academic freedom that Wofford grants faculty to try new and innovative pedagogies. Away from Wofford, he enjoys Japanese pop culture, art history, theater, art films, jigsaw puzzling, traveling, ethnic food, classical and post-modern literature, science fiction, Asian philosophy and coin collecting.