Alexander Glandien

artist, illustrator

Vienna, AT

visual arts studio design

Alexander Glandien is an artist and illustrator, who currently works and lives in Vienna. Some of his clients include The New York Times, Süddeutsche Zeitung, The New Yorker, Brand Eins, Greenpeace Magazin, The Guardian, BMW, Porsche, Hoffmann und Campe, NBC News, The Globe and Mail, Cicero, Nautilus, UBS, The Economist, Financial Times, DIE ZEIT, Matter, The Baffler, NZZ and Der Falter.

Furthermore, he has taught at the University of Art and Design Linz and was guest lecturer at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogota and at Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig. He attended studio grants in Mexico, Indonesia, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands and Spain. His works have been awarded with the Klemens Brosch Award and they are part of several international art collections.


The Institute