2020 | Korea, Republic of | Feature

Trans (2020)

  • Korean - 2 mins
  • Director | Naeri Do
  • Writer | Naeri Do
  • Producer | NAERI DO

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Minyoung Go is a girl who dreams of becoming a transhuman by transmitting electric shocks to her brain. After facing a serious assault from Taeyong Ma's posse, she plans a revenge for the boys that bully her for having an eating disorder. She conducts an electrical baptism and falls into trans.
- One can become a transhuman after waking up from high voltage electric shocks, or in other words, electrical baptism (Trans.) -
In the process of waking up to reality and transforming into a transhuman, she realizes that she was the murderer responsible for killing Taeyong and attempts to travel in time and space using the tesla coil.

assault high voltage electric shocks transhuman brain baptism