2023 | :Netherlands | Short

Time, displaced

  • Spanish - 20 mins
  • Director | Juan Arturo GarcĂ­a
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

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On one hand, a youngster in the mountains of Los Santos, the most seismically active place on the planet, suddenly is capable of listening to the deep grumbles of the Earth.

On the other, an unreliable narrator (a scientist, a detective, a politician?) is trying to explain a mysterious chain of events that took place at a Colombian nuclear reactor, where strange vibrations were also heard.

Time is displaced and continually disputed for the protagonists, as they pass their days under the influence of a decades-old nuclear reactor and a relic of the Cold War, nuclear waste with a millenary half-life, and the millions of years required for the formation of mountains, which are studied at the reactor, at the atomic level.

nuclear reactor deep grumbles strange vibrations planet Earth