2021 | Mexico | Experimental

Tigre, Tigre (Tiger, Tiger)

  • 17 mins
  • Director | Mauricio Sáenz-Cánovas

This film is currently not available.   

The rules for a pack of tigers are the same as those governing a mystic community which plans to expel one of its members. The film hypnotically blurs the border between banality and magic, it awakens the tension and strength of traditions, and demonstrates that our lives are often formed by rite and ceremony. The line between grieving and dancing is often pretty thin.

In the midst of a hostile environment, a clan of strange peons with the utmost primitive impulses is subdued by their foreman. Driven by their animal instinct, the subjects prepare the insurrection to seize the identity and privileged position of their oppressor in an almost unnoticed way. A strategic capture of the foreman will lead the unusual characters to consummate their plan without taking into account how fiction is surpassed by reality.

tiger mystic hypnotically tradition environment fiction