2017 | UK | Experimental,Short

Lysergic Machine

  • 2 mins
  • Director | Tim Grabham
  • Producer | Tim Grabham

This film is currently not available.   

The shapeshifting fabric of the physical world in a hallucinogenic state of mind is something I have attempted in representing as a film maker for many years. But like capturing the essence of a dream, representing the hallucinogenic experience is challenging and often the results are unsatisfactory - not least because so much of the experience is sensory beyond the visual. For the short film 'Lysergic Machine' the aim was to visualise that point in the journey when depth and perspective become fluid states. When the ordinary and familiar metamorphosis’s into a bewitched wonderland. The improper and experimental use of a 360 degree digital camera became the tangible interface between mind and screen.

lysergic imagination altered states fabric hallucinogenic Machine