2024 | United States | Animation,Experimental,Short

Ecliptic Orbitation

  • - 3 mins
  • Director | David Senecal
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

This film is currently not available.   

“A day is the time period of a full rotation of the Earth with respect to the Sun. On average, this is 24 hours (86,400 seconds).”

The movement of spheres and the inclusion of a visible observation of the effect of time in imagery that would typically be static is what is interesting to me in making this work.

The title of the series, “Ecliptic Orbitation” refers to natural cyclical patterns, overlapping interactions, and the effect on us through experiencing them. Cycles are a constant, daily part of our lives. They’re part of us…24/7.

In 2012, this series of work was two-dimensional and static. Revisiting the work today using motion graphics expands upon and enhances the original concept in ways that couldn’t previously have been presented as effectively.

If you’d like, you can find more of my work (digital images, “traditional” paintings) on the walls within the permanent collections of the Columbus Convention Center (including a full wall mural in the South parking garage), Hyatt Regency, and Hilton hotels in downtown Columbus.

A few other locations where I’ve had work exhibited include, Capitol Equities at Smith Brothers Hardware building, the Zanesville Museum of Art (ZMA), and galleries in Taos, New Mexico, Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Earth motion graphics traditional Sun animation experimental short natural Columbus South Carolina