2016 | Argentina | Documentary,Experimental


  • Spanish - 40 mins
  • Director | Julieta Gutierrez, Analucia Roeder
  • Writer | Analucia Roeder, Julieta Gutierrez
  • Producer | Julieta Gutierrez, Analucia Roeder

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Can we measure deterioration? How does it manifest? Under what stimuli? Can we recognize decomposition in different materials? In cement, in iron, in stone, in wood and water. What inhabits those spaces?

Iquitos, Peru 10 ° 00 S.
A contemporary community thriving on the banks of the Amazon River.

Villa Epecuén, Argentina 37 ° 10 S
A ghost town in Argentina, it rests flooded and frozen, abandoned decades ago.

manifest cement decomposition measure material space Amazon River