2021 | Norway | Documentary,Experimental

Children of Stars

  • English English 60 mins
  • Director | Jørn Nyseth Ranum, Aaslaug Vaa
  • Writer | Jørn Nyseth Ranum
  • Producer | Aaslaug Vaa

This film is currently not available.   

How were the stars and the Sun created? Where do we come from? Is there a connection between life on Earth, the planets, their moons, and the Sun? What do we have in common with
them? What has iron and stardust to do in this context? How big is Jupiter and the Earth if the Sun is 20 meters in diameter?
The documentary Children of Stars takes us on an imaginary journey through the solar system along with astrophysicist Jean Surdej from Belgium and school children from Bøstad and Røst in
Norway. On the expedition, which takes place in the Lofoten archipelago, they investigate these questions and many more.

Children of Stars is an international production. The staff is from Belgium, France, Germany and Norway.

stars sun Earth planets imaginary journey solar system