Erin Barker

executive director, founding board member (storycollider)

New York, US

storytelling podcast competition stories

Erin Barker is the executive director and a founding board member of The Story Collider, an international storytelling organization that produces a popular podcast and more than 60 live events every year featuring true, personal stories about science, with the goal of showing that science is a vibrant part of all our lives. As a storyteller, she is the first woman to win The Moth's GrandSLAM storytelling competition twice. She has appeared on PRX's The Moth Radio Hour, and one of her stories was included in the New York Times-bestselling book The Moth: 50 True Stories. Follow her @ErinHBarker on Twitter and on Instagram.

Erin Barker: Plants And People, The Story Collider - Listen

Erin Barker's attempt to save a college relationship leads her to a plant biology class where the professor brought an ax to class.